24/01/2025 Articulation and good writing

Got a flood of thoughtful messages asking to read my personal statement in exchange for commendation and recognition. Just wanted to say I appreciate you all and it means a lot so thankyou.

Song of the day is vanish by Giveon. I'm currently listening to this as I write, so you should listen to this while you read. Thanks

I really want to show you my statement. said it. Here's a segment: 


Functional design fascinates me. I believe design without purpose is art. The best creations are ones that merge aesthetics with functionality. This is why I prefer designing clothes to painting or drawing; clothing blends creativity with practicality. Similarly, I enjoy playing football, especially dribbling, which I think balances creativity with effectiveness. Functional art forms resonate with me because they combine imagination and efficiency. I aspire to create solutions that are seamless yet thoughtfully designed.



I think compelling writing and articulation is something that is cool and it really draws me to a person. People who speak about ideas are interesting to listen to because they have the power to make you think about what they're saying in a way where you really agree with them. Maybe that's just manipulation but that's cool to. I aspire to be somebody who can do the same and talk really well. The aim is to be someone who can explain exactly what they're thinking without stuttering and forcing weird analogies. As I mentioned previously the person who inspired this blog wrote in a way that genuinely made me want more. They explained weird ideas in a way that almost anyone could understand and relate. This is a segment that they wrote about Brain QR codes:


"Its also weird that every thought has a chemical reaction, so technically if each thought had a unique chemical reaction, we could use these chemicals as a QR codes almost, to understand people better. Like what if you could encapsulate the chemical and give it to someone else to experience. There's definitely a few people l'd like to understand. Come 2070 maybe Instead of therapy sessions people will just be able to use a machine that reads the chemicals that are active in your brain and then someone smart (not me) could write a book explaining what each chemical means so that we could better understand each other. Then If everyone had that book I wouldn't just have to say "I just feel..... I don't even know how to describe it" I could just go to my machine; right down what chemicals are present in my brain and then tell other ppl what it means. sounds like a plan to me.

Are there any scientists present? I feel like we can tell the scientists to stop focusing on testing rats, and instead make brain QR codes."


This writing is fire. I hope you get what I mean. I almost feel as if "Brain QR codes" should definitely be looked into now solely because of how the idea was presented to me. I'm not gonna reference them and they're NOT gonna sue me for copyright infringement. 



I think the quickest way to attain this is level of articulation has to be reading more. Reading is very difficult because of how fried our dopamine receptors are. It's really concerning the fact that WE ALL spend at least 4 hours a day on reels so when its time to lock in without any subway surfers game play at the bottom it feels like a chore. I'm currently reading this book called the psychology of money and it's okay but there's certain pages that I must have read around 10+ times solely because I've put down the book after less than one page or I've not progressed further than that page after 45 mins because my mind wanders.

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