Bad kinda day

It's currently 6pm on Sunday. It's been a BADD day from a self improvement POV. Horror in fact. The reason: My car had an engine light on and the analysis paralysis definitely got to me. I did nothing all day. The time and unforeseen events we are warned about I suppose. I also ate a pack of digestives (ruining my cut) as an emotional response to not being able to drive. It makes me think if this is how I react to a minor setback how would I react to something actually deep such as death or sickness  of a family member. Something else to remember if you are also having a bad day, is that the day still isn't over and you can still make something happen.

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Game of Life

As a male I believe life is very much like a game. The goal is like Minecraft and GTA in a way where it's free roam and you need to keep levelling up your character.  The main difference is there are more layers to the game and emotions can make the same tasks vary in difficulty on a day by day basis. For example, previously I would find that every time I try and do something consistently and to the best of my ability I always go through a period where I feel like its not enough or I'm not doing it right. I'm not entirely sure if this stems from a need for validation but I don't think so. The thing is with this feeling is that it actually means you're close to achieving  the consistency and results that you're working towards.

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Code switching

Code - switching is fun. We automatically change small mannerisms depending on who we are with. Initially this might seem like a two faced thing to do but really and truly it's important to be adaptable and make an effort to connect to people in different ways instead of stubbornly clinging to your preferred or default personality. There is an element of people pleasing there with the way I code -switch. I have been warned that I sometimes take it too far and develop a personality purely based on what I think other people will enjoy. This is likely due to a fear of vulnerability and hyper self awareness (a term I made up) which would cause one to hide parts of their self that they think friends, acquaintances and others would judge. To counteract this. I'm deciding on the spot to share my blog. 

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